无论身处何地,你都可能感到孤单,但生活在一座城市里,被数百万人围绕者,又会催生出一种别样的孤独的滋味。 或许,有人会以为这种状态与人来人往的都市生活并不相容,然而,单纯的生理上的接近,并不足以驱散内在的隔绝感。在与他人紧密相依的时刻,你可能会感觉到,甚至会轻易地感觉到内心的荒芜与清冷。城市会成为孤寂之地。
  Cities can be lonely places.
  You can be lonely anywhere, but there is a particular flavour to the loneliness that comes from living in a city, surrounded by millions of people. One might think this state was antithetical  to urban living, to the massed presence of other humanbeings, and yet mere physical proximity is not enough to  dispel a sense of internal isolation. It's possible - easy, even - to feel desolate and unfrequented in oneself while living  cheek by jowl with others.

  What does it mean to be lonely?
  How do we live, if were not intimately engaged with another human being?How do we connect with other people, if we dont find speaking easy?And is technology helping with these things?
  Does it draw us closer together, or trap us behind screens?

——《The Lonely City》孤独的城市



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